Welcome to our Auckland Squash Junior Interclub Website.
Created in 2016.....we have just started our 10th year ! whoop whoop ! and are about to clock up 6,000 matches!
The aim of this competition is to provide an environment for Juniors across AKL to play regular squash matches - to learn how to play, compete, referee, and 'grow' in one of the world’s widely played and best games - Squash.
The lower divisions of this competition are for the most junior of juniors....this is where it starts folks, nice and easy.
The higher divisions of this competition are the perfect conveyor belt for senior competition.
- Everyone is different and will learn this compelling and competitive game at varying speeds.
- Ultimately we want you to enjoy this competition - "win or lose".
Junior Interclub – is only for Junior players with 0 to 400 points, per the NZ grading list (new system) . Currently, players from 21 clubs from across Auckland play in this competition.
This competition provides an opportunity for REGULAR Sunday morning interclub matches for juniors at a variety (but mostly Remuera) of locations around Auckland.
AGE is somewhat irrelevant, it's all about individual skill... the average age of most players is about 12~13...and the range is about 7~17 years. Players are sorted into divisions by skill level based on Grading Points.
Checking your Points and getting your Player Code
Things have changed !!! the old Grading List is gone and a new one has replaced it:
* New Grading List: www.mysquash.nz
* not to be confused with NZ Squash: www.squash.org.nz
No Player Code??? - Your club secretary needs to create this for you
Venues are across Auckland - lower-grade players with under ~100 points should be able to play at a reasonably local venue. Higher-grade players will need to travel a little further but will enjoy the close competition against different opposition. We are thankful to be able to use Remuera, Eden Epsom and North Shore clubs the majority of the time.
If you can't make both draw dates then you can select just one date to play and we will sort out the draw accordingly.
We do our best to avoid clashes, but it's not always possible...but if this is your problem, just ask - often ASJI matches can be re-arranged, but the onus will be on you to travel to your opponent's club to get the match played.
Term 2: 2025
> Entries for Term 2 = Entries are open ! and for Term 3 also if you like....
Term 2: Draw 1 - dates: May 18 & 25 @ Remuera club
Term 2: Draw 2 - dates: June 15 & 22 @ Remuera club
Expect an 8.30am start for some, probably all done by 1.00pm at the outside
Term 3: 2025
Term 3: Draw 1 - dates: August 3 & 10 @ Remuera club
Term 3: Draw 2 - dates: August 31 & Sept 7 @ Remuera club
Term 4: 2025
Term 4: Draw 1 - dates: Oct 26 & Nov 2 @ Remuera club
> go to the above tab: Register to play
...the usual 4-round Draw...2 double rounds will be each Sunday.
> Entry fee ~ $7.50 / game = $30 per draw. This is good value, many tournaments are $10/game
Entries for the next Term Draw....will be opened when the current Term finishes.
These are paid online at the time of online registration. Refunds - are at the discretion of the organiser. In the event of "Covid-Interruptus" or any other reason, then 25% will be retained to cover admin costs which are incurred regardless.
ASJI Player Shirts
Made from sure-to-win modern material to guarantee you will stay cool under pressure...these are great playing shirts...and come in colour choices of one !..AKL colours of Royal Blue with White lettering... Buy yours for $35 together with your registration ...to see what they look like - go to Tab: ASJI Shirts etc
Eye injuries might be seldom...but they will be sudden, unexpected, and life-changing. All players are to wear safety eyewear full-stop (please). These can be purchased on the day from us, or online together with the registration fee or go you may go shopping !! - they are available from Squash pro shops, Squash AK, and Rebel sports stores or online - but we suggest trying before you buy if possible.
ASJI doesn't typically hand out prizes to the winners - everyone is a winner in our eyes ...but ASJI does have a policy of reimbursing Host clubs for court hire, lights, balls, and score sheets. To date that's about $ 15,500....nice one! We also heavily subsidised 50 of #Love Squash T-shirts, offer loyalty discounts from time to time, and recently discounted post-Covid-19 entries....and did our best to hold credits due to Covid disruption because we genuinely want to promote the sport and keep clubs in business.
$$ PRIZE MONEY - OMEGA and ALPHA divisions (only) - the top 4 players will collect ca$h prizes...
Any registered squash player (under ~400 pts) from any club is welcome to join in this competition which is typically played on a Sunday morning between 8.30am and 1.30pm, during the school term.
- The venues and divisions are quite a simple format.
- We try to use Venues that are best suited to the player base of that division.
- Each Draw is made up of players of similar grading points to ensure they are evenly matched, i.e. a points band of about 100-200 points.
- Each Draw is played at a single venue over 2 weeks, with a double round ( 2 games) each week.
- Each player will have 4 matches per draw (each match is played to the best of 5 games).
- When compiling every Draw each players grading points will determine which division they are in.
SCHOOL TERMS, generally we play on Sunday mornings, wks 3&4 and 7&8 of each term
- Term 1 - Summer....in the New Year ... it's always a challenge when it's hot and sunny and the beach beckons...so we get underway in mid-March for one draw to give you a chance to get in some practice before the competition gets underway.
- Term 2 - There will be 2 draws per term, so that’s 4 matches per draw, 8 matches in total. Draw One will be two double rounds - for a total of 4 matches, then with refreshed draws we do Draw Two.
- Term 3 - There are 2 draws per term, so that’s 4 matches per draw, 8 matches in total. Format like Term 2
- Term 4 - Pre Xmas ...to finish the year amongst those exams.. we will do a single draw of two double rounds = 4 matches.
SCORING - PAR (Point a Rally) matches played to "best of 5 games"...."Finish at 15".
With light systems becoming automated at some clubs we need to adhere to our allotted court time, so we have successfully been playing games that "Finish at 15"... full-stop!
This allows players a decent amount of court time to win their game, but avoids never-ending matches that ruin the timetable !
Mixed Competition - Boys and Girls Playing Nicely (?) Together?
All Draws are mixed...as we believe this is in the best interests of the players. Players are sorted by their Unified Grading List points - which are not always a true indication of a player's current ability. Some new squash players can be improved very quickly and the rate of progress is just different for every player....there are many factors. So while some uneven matches may occur...that's squash... the next match should be a closer game and so on.
Players are then re-sorted for the next Draw based on their new points level. All games - wins and losses - contribute to a player's collective experience - and should be used positively to help develop their ability to develop a strategy to win the next game!
- Did you lose? It doesn't matter as much as you think! Give any game your best 100% right to the end.
- Why did you lose? - identify the problem - what can you change?
- Work on your weaknesses and the wins will come.
- Did you win? Great...enjoy the moment... thank your opponent...be warned your next game will probably be harder..!
- This is a competitive sport ...and squash is marvelously challenging!
- Ultimately we hope you enjoyed your games...win or lose...and made a squash-buddy friend along the way.
Current participating clubs are:
CENTRAL: Titirangi, Herne Bay, Remuera, Eden Epsom, Te Papapa, Royal Oak, Panmure, Howick, Manurewa, Papakura, Onewhero, and Franklin.
NORTHERN: Warkworth, Red Beach, Silverdale, Browns Bay, North Shore, Belmont Park, Devonport, and Shepherds Park.
WESTERN: Kumeu, Titirangi, and Henderson.
- If you are from a different club than the above, you're still welcome, send us an email first - to discuss how and where we can fit you in. asji@outlook.co.nz
OUR HISTORY: Final results per "Final Results" tab.
We started in 2016 Term 3 - with 280 matches - WHAT A START ...and we haven't looked back...! After twelve months we had completed 1,000 matches...and in 2025: Term 2 we should sail past 6,000 matches !! Imagine if we didn't have this...
Coincidence? More junior players are entering (AKL) Open Tournaments than prior to the formation of ASJI - as they have boosted confidence and because Squash is awesome!